Different Palettes to Match Every Season





Discover your season to see your Personal Palette

Using tints and shades, your choices are limitless!

Each season has a Personal Palette of 20 best colors!

By adding white to your color, you create a tint.

By adding black, you adjust to a shade.

  • Because your colors compliment your inherent characteristics like skin, hair, and eyes. You will always receive lots of compliments. Every day!

  • If you choose your Personal Palette everything in your wardrobe will coordinate. No making mistakes or wasting time as all your colors work together because they are either cool or warm based. Just like you.

  • Knowing your right colors saves money as you won’t be inclined to buy clothes or accessories that are implusive or un-flattering. Hassle-free shopping and saving money too!

  • And time getting dressed for work in the morning (or play), everything is put together perfectly.

  • Your investments are timeless. No more items that sit in the back of your closet or end up being donated.

  • Wearing your right colors gives you the edge on various opportunities—job interviewing, meeting new people, potential dates…because you will always stand out and look your best.

  • With over 90 thousand color names identified, your choices are limitless. Lightened tints or darkened shades can be added to your Personal Palette colors.

  • Your seasonal colors last a lifetime. You were born with a season that never changes. It’s your birthright and neither age nor a tan can alter it. Simply use a tint or shade from your palette to adjust accordingly.

A few reasons to discover your colors

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences between the "Cool" and "Warm" seasons?

Winters and Summers are "cool" seasons because of differences in their skin tone. Summers usually have more of a visible pink in their complexion with a blue undertone in their skin. Though Winters share the same blue undertone, they tend to have more olive or beige skin as opposed to the fair or translucent skins of Summers. Springs and Autumns are "warm" skin types. Both have a golden undertone in their skin and share the same fair complexion. Springs have rosy cheeks and flush easily. Autumn's cheeks are usually pale or ivory in skin tone but can also have a coppery glow.

What colors can all seasons wear well?

All seasons have four compromise colors that they can wear successfully.  Either a soft white without any hint of yellow, coral, light aqua or deep periwinkle blue.

Can a person be more than one seasonal type?

You cannot be more than one seasonal type, even though you might have a few characteristics that commonly belong to a different season. There are some theories that are based on a percentage of seasonal mixture when determining your personal colors. The theory as stated on this website dispels all doubt and confusion...your Personal Palette will help to simplify life, not clutter it with unnecessary options.

Does one's season change with age or a suntan?

No, Although age may fade your inherited skin tone and a suntan may deepen it, your seasonal type will remain the same throughout your life.  Using tints or shades from your Personal Palette is the easiest way for skin tone that may change.

Should you wear black if you are a season other than a Winter?

Black is normally too harsh a shade for any season (except Winters) as it draws color out of your face.  However black can be worn by other seasons, best kept away from the face and wearing it for skirts, pants, belts, etc. Also a bit more blush and lipstick is a good idea if you opt to wear black around your face.

Are family members usually all of the same season?

Often. However, there can be many differences among family members depending upon which genes are inherited.  Offspring usually carry the most dominant gene from a parent.  

Why does the Revelli ColorandYou app only use hair color to determine a Seasonal type?

Although skin tone is the basis for one's season, it is often difficult to see if you are cool or warm. Hair frames your face and is your most important accessory and easier to use as a guide for determining your season.  Because your eyes may change depending on lighting, it is best to use skin and hair color.  Refer to our Skin Tone Analyzer or Metallic Drapes to identify and confirm your season.